In Arkansas, the most popular types of commercial insurance are workers’ compensation, liability, and property insurance. Generally speaking, property insurance policies cover any damage that may occur to your business, workers’ compensation policies are for injuries that may be sustained by your employees, and liability insurance is meant to cover third parties. Depending on the kind of business that you operate, you may need to have additional specialized coverage.
The following are the different types of commercial insurance offered by Jay Freeman Insurance Agency Inc.:
A commercial lease will in many cases require a tenant to hold an assured amount of insurance coverage. The policy covers any damage that may affect improvements you have made to a rental space. It also takes care of damages caused by employee negligence.
This is for any injuries that you may cause to a third party. If you get prosecuted for property damage or personal injuries, the expenses incurred when defending and resolving that suit will be covered by this policy. It provides coverage for common risks that include injuries sustained by customers when on your premises.
For more information on Arkansas state requirements for commercial insurance, please visit or call our Jay Freeman Insurance Agency Inc. office. Our agents will provide answers to all questions that you may have and help you get a quote.